Spoke too soon!
Looks like I'm hanging around after all, and I've got three exciting upcoming events to tell you about!
Hello, friends!
In my last post, I declared my intention to move away from Substack to a traditional, occasional email newsletter. Turns out the internet had other plans for me. Due to changes to Yahoo and Gmail’s requirements, I won’t be able to use MailerLite as I had intended because I prefer not to use an email address that is linked to my website domain name. I used to have a custom email address, but it was a pain, so I let it go, and now… well, maybe that was a bad decision, but I’m not going back.
So it turns out that continuing to use Substack as my newsletter platform is the best option. In reviewing my stats, I see that the majority of my readers do access my posts via email, so that should work out, even if I’m not engaging in all the other social-media aspects of this platform. Look at me, deciding how to use technology instead of letting it use me. Thoreau would be so proud.
Okay, onto some news you can use!
Upcoming Events
Fiction Writing Workshop, Morse Institute Library, Natick, MA
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 7:00 - 8:30
In the words of novelist Rebecca Makkai, “You are not owed a reader. You earn every reader over and over.” Whether you write short stories, novels, or narrative nonfiction, this workshop will help you unlock three elements of storytelling that keep readers coming back for more. Through a series of exercises, we will practice using the sorts of questions readers pose to strengthen our plot and consider the organization of story elements for maximum reader engagement. This workshop is suitable for all writers, from those just beginning to write stories to those with complete manuscripts. Click here to register.
Poetry Workshop, Morse Institute Library, Natick MA
Kick off National Poetry Month with a workshop designed to help you develop a daily poetry practice.
April 4, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Are you looking for a way to become more observant and present in your life? Writing poetry can help you capture the moments as they pass and create an artful record of your days. In this workshop, we will discuss strategies to silence inner critics so we can get words on the page, and you'll learn five exercises for generating poems. These exercises are infinitely repeatable and will help you through the days when inspiration feels hard to find. Armed with some concrete strategies, you'll be ready to launch your own daily poetry practice. Mark your calendar! I’ll let you know when registration begins.
The 19th Annual Monadnock Pastoral Poetry Retreat
April 19-21, 2024
Join us for a weekend writing retreat in beautiful Southern New Hampshire at the Barbara C. Harris Center in Greenfield, NH. Participants meet in small workshop groups to develop their craft. Options are available for poetry, fiction, and personal narrative. There are readings throughout the weekend and time to relax and enjoy the lovely setting. Registration is now underway. Click here to learn more and sign up.
Studio News
I’ve been keeping up my daily painting practice! Currently, I’m participating in the Learn to Paint Podcast’s 20 for 20 challenge. I’m using these twenty days to explore gouache, which is a water-based paint that is similar to watercolor but which is opaque. Stay tuned for a YouTube video detailing what I learned, coming later this month!
I’ve also updated the colors in my watercolor palette for urban sketching. If you want to learn more, check out these videos:
At the end of December, I took some time to make Sketchbook Tour videos for the large sketchbook I finished before Christmas. The sketchbook holds my urban sketches and plein air efforts from June through December, including my trip to the UK and sketches from all over New England. Check it out!